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- —- volume-based serving sizes
- 1 cup = a women’s fist = 8 fl oz ( ≅ 240 ml) = 16 tablespoons
- eg my guacamole packet is exactly 8 oz
- comparable to small bowl in Chinese tradition 小碗.
- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) — Your fingertip.
- 1 tablespoon (15 ml or half a fluid oz) — Three fingertips, or your thumb, minus the meaty part
- — now the standard conversions for volumes
- 1 fluid oz = 30 ml #actually 29.6
- 16 fluid oz = 1 pint = small ice cream packet
- 1 quart = 2 pint
- — now the standard conversions for mass
- 1 oz = 28 gram #actually 28.3