As stated in celebrate starch reduction(!!elimination)#even without weight drop, I won’t “eliminate” starch. Therefore, it’s important to choose healthier starchy foods, esp. the high-fiber choices:
- #0 heated carrot — is mildly starchy with much much lower calorie than anything else listed here. If it is tasty and satisfying for the occasion then it would be by-far-the-lightest starchy food
- lotus root has similar nutrition profile (but harder to prepare) — slightly more starchy, but more fibrous more protein
- #1 frozen green pea — is my current pick due to
- cost, easy availability and storage etc .. see green peas
- see nutritional comparison below
- #2 sweet yam — is easy to cook, has more fiber than potato or corn — see
- G5: boiled (best chilled) potato
- G10: 小米
- G10: lentil
- G10: black soybeans
- G10: edamame — is delicious but harder to buy and keep, even if we ignore the price
- Among them, lentils (and to a lesser extent, beans) are considered better than grains
- konjac — is a low-starch slimming food, and expands in stomach
- brown rice
- whole grain bread
- whole grain cracker
- … All of the above are less addictive than white rice 🙂
Grandma said some raw grains are more fibrous, but to me, Starchy means addictive, wrong-quantity temptation, and heavy impact on weight. By that standard, carrot and chia are not starchy.
There are many discussions on low-carb diet for diabetes. My blogpost is non-diabetic.
–side by side nutritional comparison is a valuable online tool to compare any 2 or more foods per 100gram (cooked, containing lots of water). This tool shows
- green peas, sweet potato, couscous (lentil to a lesser extent) are lighter than white rice # Edamame has a lot more calories than rice
- green peas has fewer calories, more fiber and far more protein, than sweet potato or rice
- 100g of cooked lentil has even more fiber more protein than green peas but more calorie
- lentil has by far the highest protein density and fiber density among starchy foods per 100g, and lower calorie than white rice
- cooked carrot is almost “free food” … a fraction of the calorie level of comparable foods, including even green peas. I used to eat 700-1400 calories of white rice a day. Same amount of heated carrot would give 30% of the calories