##flight: operational errors #sys1/2overload


The paradox of “frequency”. On one hand, based on Poisson distro, the more flights I take, the higher the Pr[at least one mistake on a given a trip]. On the other hand, after a year[1] of frequent flights, my sys1 (and sys2) become efficient, reducing the probability.
[1] However, after a few years of quiet, sys1 “forgets” the learning.

— on flight, prefer cheap, ez-to-replace, “throwaway” tools. They reduce Sys2 load —
blog printout

–Below are real mistakes I made, half ranked by severity and dram-refresh

  • Sometime in 2017-2018 left leather jacket at security check
  • caught the cold after the winter long flight. Had to see Newport doctor.
  • 2018 HK flight miss, and 2016 KL flight miss
  • 2012 left phone charger behind at Waltham
  • 2019 left travel pillow at security check

— sys1/sys2 overload

忘带啦!/forgot2carry .. [ exiting planes/HSR-train, leaving security checkpoints/hotels,,,] is the most common Sys1 operational error. Sys1 overload? Sys2 has limited bandwidth and has to focus on “those few important belongings[2]”.

To reduce Sys2 load, I try to avoid en-rout rearrangment of cash, SIMs, various cards. Instead of en-route, I try to do it at home or destination, when the consequence of leftBehind is mild.

[2] important belongings include SIMs, gadgets, 易碎品[3], wallets, heavy luggage[5]. Unimportant belongings are too numerous to name, like dirty shoes [4], phone chargers, travel pillow, pencils, throwaway reading material, yoga block, food boxes,,,, You can see it’s a mountain of “workload” for Sys1.

Avoid charging devices en-route. They become sys1 load.

Even during the flight, “Less forgettable” items can still be forgotten and misplaced, due to sys1 limitations.
* passport
* charged phones
* laptop
* laptop cover

I allow myself to relax and accept the possibility of losing bottle, travel pillow, yoga block,,

charging cables .. If you need to charge devices, do it early on the flight, and pack them up hours before landing, to reduce sys1 load.

— [3] Fragile items in hand luggage .. always generate anxiety and sys1 load, so I prefer cheap, sturdy

— [4] Dirty shoes overload sys1 as they are bulky and they need a shoe bag 🙁

— [5] heavy luggage .. creates sys1 load, leaves me with less sys1 “bandwidth”, so my memory becomes more lossy.

— hurry .. increases operational risks.

Example: Wrong-passport .. sys1 was in charge as I became confident. After the Sys1 blunder, I have learned to use sys2 i.e. SlowDown_n_doubleCheck. I do that when leaving plains/hotels, but you are sometimes not allowed to slow down 🙁

  • real eg: forgot to take phone when trying to leave early to catch Light Rail
  • principle: the more moving parts, the more load on sys2. We need to slow down, and possibly use a written list (gadgets? I don’t prefer.)
  • .. winter travel involves more separate clothing items. They increase sys2 load and increase the chance of forgetting
  • principle: don’t leave important tasks to the last minute before a trip, as in the last minute my memory system may not operate well.

— stitching en-route .. can create distraction. Need to ensure all important luggages are closed asap


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