## generic to-do items ] open-house

See also openhouse.txt

In the “Open-house” mode, I’m open to frequent interruptions by family. The opposite to quiet time.

Q: Do I need to make myself more available to kids? My kids are far more important than my friends.
A: Yes but Remember most of the hours when I make myself available to him, I lose concentration and private time , so availability comes at a tcost. If not careful, the tcost would grow rather high, and ROTI would plummet. I need very high discipline to postpone many open-house tasks to those open-house hours.

Many of the tasks below are low urgency. However, when I’m under pressure, I need to get important things done during open-house hours, otherwise those important tasks would weigh on my shoulder:(

  • repairs. Call or DIY
  • make smoothie
  • ==== MLP
  • review the printouts about mlp localsys
  • localSys fuxi
  • ==== generic, low-urgency tasks:
  • curiosity searches
  • BBC archives
  • clear letter backlog
  • clean up the contact_large.txt
  • exp tracking — spread out, not big-bang
  • push-up, chin-up
  • short and easy stretches — compile a list??
  • exercise with kids at home or downstairs
  • check online banking + credit scores
  • ##With time2kill..Come2recrec blog but some require quiet time
  • —- blogs
  • 2publish.txt
  • review my per-inv and wellness blogs
  • refresh my English blog
  • refresh those “fuxi” blogposts
  • review 50+ recent blogposts
  • —- gmail
  • gmai: process emails drafts
  • process non-urgent emails – 7D, old drafts
  • gmail fuxi* tags
  • gmail: friendSharing