Many studies show frequent snacking can reduce overall intake and therefore reduce weight. What they didn’t tell us is quantity i.e. portion control. I suspect the research used very low quantity. In reality, many snackers take in more snack food than the 3 main meals combined.
Many conflicting studies also show snacking increases food intake and lead to weight gain.
Throughout my adult life, I take snacks everyday. My weight is always lower than average for Asians of my height. Despite my healthy weight, I care about snacking habits. Here are my conclusions:
- frequent snacking is inferior to intermittent fasting, such as skipping/delay meals. I will avoid morning snacks as much as possible.
- consciousness — we need to be mindful how much snack we have taken then reduce meal size accordingly
- I tend to take heavy snacks esp. before my mid-30’s
- It depends on your /metabolic rate/. I tend to get hungry a few hours after lunch, so snacking is kind of necessary. Also I often get hungry around midnight, so the _only_ way to avoid that last snack is early sleep.
- Modern society offers too many low-cost and convenient food choices. The #1 most convenient among them would be snacks such as those from vending machines. (I’m completely against those, usually unhealthy snacks.) We need to stay conscious.