##biggest food categories for MY weight watch

  1. — Ranked  in terms of contribution to my weight
  2. #1 starch? based on experience, this is the #1 contributor (perhaps 50%-90%) to my weight gain. I now believe that if I cut starch by 1/2 I could lose a few pounds.
  3. vegie and fruits? I sometimes eat a lot of fruits and quite some vegie. Do they contribute to weight? The low-cal items should not but reality might be unmeasurable. See weight reading can be unstable !
  4. protein including tofu, beans and nuts. I eat small amount of these foods.
  5. fat? including ice cream, fried, oily food, skins, usually combined with starch. I actually eat very little of these, because they are the most tempting and harmful (weight/heart) foods for me. We need to exercise caution when using them for short-term motivation.

Critical thinking —

! High-fiber foods could also contribute to weight, even if they pass through your system not stored. See https://www.livestrong.com/article/507954-gaining-weight-when-drinking-water-and-eating-fiber/ and weight reading can be unstable ! 

! Therefore to reach 60 kg I might need to cut not only starch and protein, but I may need to reduce fluid, fruits, fiber… questionable and probably unhealthy. See non-energy foods reduce weight long term

Note a strict fasting often eliminates fiber, fruits, milk