##[18] weight-watchers: safe2overeat

  1. chia seeds? My appetite can only accept a spoonful and it would make me feel full for hours
  2. raw carrot, cucumber, radish, onions, celery
    • many cooked vegetables are safe to overeat if salt, sugar and oil is truly limited
  3. egg white — fat-free, carb-free, low-calorie… and satisfying !
  4. low-fat milk and yogurt? moderate calorie but luckily my appetite would limit my intake 🙂
  5. non-fried fish (and lean meat), without fatty additions
  6. protein smoothie — with fruits + moderate sugar. High water content
  7. congee — starchy but luckily my appetite would limit my intake 🙂

— fruits:

  1. apple lovers see https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-apples-affect-weight
  2. oranges, (green) bananas are all fairly safe.
  3. grapes — low calorie, but more expensive

Many fruits are probably safe for weight watchers. However,

  • green machine? high sugar
  • mango — relatively high carb
  • banana — relatively high carb

Note these foods can increase your weight in the short term. See weight reading can be unstable !

My problem was, after eating lots of high-fiber foods I still felt a craving for starch. I have since reduced the craving with the help of hummus, fancy fruits, meat, egg-white … I think this will be a long struggle as I have been a starch-fed boy.