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- All 3 offer reopen-last-closed-tab
- close current tab — ctrl-w
- ctrl-shift-click on a link to open in new active tab
- .. Gc/Op tested
- — Op = opera
- back to last page — ctrl-leftArrow
- ctrl-shift-b (F1 for me) to open the very useful bookmarks page .. to move bookmarks among speed-dial, other-bookmarks..
- to remove unwanted speed-dials: go to bookmarks -> speedDial -> find an “x” button (i.e. delete) on each item.
- ctrl-click on a link to open in new inactive tab. Better than context menu!
- — Ff = firefox:
- in-page find: WholeWord
- — Gc = Google chrome
- alt-leftArrow to go back
- ctrl-tab to switch tabs
- too many icons to the right of address box? Each is a chromeExtension. To clear them, click on jigsaw-puzzle icon beside them