Q: If I live with family how much of my spare time will go to kids?
%%A: Experience shows 50% – 80% (unscientific)
Q: Did I spend my spare time on the wrong things? I am keenly aware of such mistakes. I would say as a student (and interview preparation) I was exceptional in terms of spending spare time on the right things.
Right after MSFM I felt such relief n freedom but soon that huge amount of spare time was absorbed by …?
I analyzed, even recorded, my spare time % usage during Mac days.
–Xp on Sep 2018 trip
- Blogging
- Preparation for outing.
- “Outing” after dinner with kids? 1.5 – 3H
- Family laptop set-up? 3-6 hours
- Mandatory visits.. not only dental and cholesterol
- Help boy with math? 5-10 hours
- Repairs… not only luggage, fan …
- Met Raymond for 3H
- Two polyclinic visits + discussions ? 5-10 hours