In goal-oriented, problem-solving mode — we tend to notice the dysfunctional, the obstacles, and COMPLAIN against the schools, the job market, our kids and ourselves, and compare against high flyers … 不断给自己减分, 但无论是 努力 还是 好运, 都该给自己加分。 总是忘了加, 或加的不够多。不公正!For a concrete example, see earn/deduct points unfairly #weight mgmt
- ===health lifestyle
- -5 weight loss not working (This item calibrates the point system.)
- +20<-15 no belly at this age
- -3 yoga — stopped completely after I left Singapore
- +10 weekly yoga and enjoyable
- +40 no major illness so far
- +3 standing table — I do it many hours a day. Some small effort but I have kept it up since Nov 2017
- (similarly) +1 sleeping on floor
- +3 enjoyable jogging in park
- +5 no TV since Apr 2017. TV is bad for my sleep, workout…
- +1 citibike everyday
- +2 even though not effective, I do skip many meals
- +2 rarely eats pizza, ice cream and other indulgence foods
- +1 refrain on my favorite shelled peanuts
- +2 raw carrot, chia seeds
- +1 lots of fruits
- ===immigration
- -20 I feel bitter about GC and lost opportunities (This item calibrates the point system.)
- +30 SG citizenship
- +40 SG citizenship for wife and family # same 加分 amount as “no major illness”
- +15 U.S. citizenship for boy
- +10 relatively fast GC process compared to those queuing in big firms
- ===family relationships
- -5 not spending enough time with kids. (This item calibrates the point system.)
- -2 living away from wife… sounds scary
- +3 marriage not weakening, but strengthening slightly;
- +20 robust potency # effort or luck
- +5 good communication with grandparents
- ===financial health
- +15 low personal burn rate as a conserver lifestyle, lower than my peers
- +10 low family burn rate, lower than my peers’ families
- +15 Cambodia … passive income
- +20 shield plans for family
- +30 windfall profit on Blk 177 (This item calibrates the point system.)
- +25 appreciation of 1/5 share of the Beijing home
- ===everyday living
- -2 long commute eating up free time, no effective reading on commute. See ## t-penalty@commute: proven solutions
- +2 engineered 10-minute saving of commute
- -1 no waterfront walk
- +1 close to big park
- +4 picked and moved in to “experience” my #1 target location for family home
- +4 learned driving
- -1 spending more than target of $1k ex-rent
- +2 found a nice little room at good price
- ===career — in this blog I try to look beyond career, but I will list up to 10 example in this space
- See also 22surprises since Apr2017 #work+family #mostly positive
- -30 MSFM ROI and “pains” like poor retention
- +20 completed MSFM through huge effort and commitment
- -20 hope dashed for quant and WestCoast
- +20 CVA $120/H (extraordinary) + hit about 10 c++ technical wins since Apr 2017
- +10 @RTS, c++ zbs and GTD gain –> confidence
- +5 gaining traction with weekly coding practice
- +5 learned enough python to use it for coding tests
- +5 getting into high volume equity mkt data + OMS