Bayonne Chinese restaurants: lessons learnt

I now prefer fried rice ..

  • easier to keep. Next day doesn’t become ruined, so I am significantly more likely to “spread it out” to 2 – 5 meals.
  • I was able to keep vegetable fried rice for 4 days in fridge and it was still ok ! In contrast, many dishes from Bayonne Chinese restaurants would go bad in 4 days
  • bread + vegetable fried rice is now a tested combination
  • if no white rice or bread, the fried rice can be taken as a meal all by itself.
  • I can also add some raw carrot!
  • I can also add some pickles or meat to go with white rice + fried rice

The gravy idea was almost never really achieved at these economical Chinese restaurants.

Fried tofu is always more tasty than soft tofu. 麻婆豆腐 is almost never authentic.