Doctor Lynne Lim pointed out that Japanese diet features many small dishes. She said those small portions are important.
When asked about “challenges posed by modern life”, she again mentioned meal portion control as a challenge of modern life. She compared us to pre-modern (I would say pre-industrialized) people — “They gardened, farmed, walked to reach places, ate simply, reveled in communal gatherings, laughed and slept easy.”
Among those items, the last one “slept easy” strikes me as the most enviable.
I would say easy sleep is not a complete test but an acid test of healthy lifestyle.
My father is full of wisdom, but is weak on this front. Dr Lim herself is also coping with occasional sleep issues, and she repeatedly emphasized sleep , as an element of physical and mental health in modern life.
In the same interview, she also pointed out Sweedish healthy diet features low-carbs