[18]May trip logistics #CX miss

  • todo: print this updated version
  • todo: seats
depart #CX831 ↴ HK layover re-takeoff arrive
14.50 Sat 5 May #T8 18.50 p Sun #T1 7H 1.45 Mon 7 May #T1 05.30 Mon CX659
8 am Sun 13 May #T4 12 noon #T1 6H20 18.20 #T1 22:15 Sun CX890
^ CX710
ticket# 160-
airline hotline: +852 2747 3333 $1160
Airlines ref J989QK Vayama ref KUSW-3819544
frq flier id 114 2682 863
  • passport update? no need

— seat and meal

  • JFK->HK 72D
  • HK->SG 73C
  • HK->EWR select 48H in advance
  • meals done

— sleep

  • [#1] sleep in HK before HK->NY. take pill half an hour before check-in. get some food. Then sleep 4H. If still sleepy, extend by another hour ($25). Wake up around 4.30. Eat. Head to gate 5.45