— home landline .. I had phone wiring in my home for decades, but since 2019, I seldom need more than the cordless
- sugg: keep the regular desk phone as spare at the same site as the cordless base station. This is required when the cordless is low-battery or missing
- sugg: in my cockpits … rely on cellphone. I have “relied” for it in meimei’s room for years. Nowadays mobile talk time is cheaper.
==== home wifi
— overkill .. I would say that for a small home, the lone-wolf router is cheaper and better than a single mesh unit. Better in terms of configurability.
A few Wi-Fi dead zones can be remedied by with range extender, by putting the existing router in a more central location or by upgrading to a better lone-wolf router with a longer range.
If range extender is not so easy to set up, then engage a professional. Would cost perhaps $200 but saves me lots of trial-n-error.
— higher cost .. A good two-piece mesh-router kit will cost USD 200+
— Router central location … is hard to achieve in some homes
- A: (original) modem -> multiport router -> set-top
- B: (starhub) modem -> router -> switch -> set-top, as described in https://www.fiber-optic-cable-sale.com/network-switch-router.html. This topology can use mesh router.
- .. Starhub modem can accept a single device, but switch connects multiple devices to the modem.
- C: (Singtel,,) modem -> switch -> Nokia router -> set-top.
New TV set-top must connect to router not modem, so having modem and set-up together is now irrelevant.
some /discreet/ mesh router units feature a single (cost consideration) output LAN port — a show-stopper for me. A kind and generous StarHub staff gave me an IP-switch that could create multiple ports. He said it’s plug-n-play, without any config.
— naming SSID
If your SSID has the same signal strength as 55 other, then sorting by name.
Therefore, my SSID names start with “0” and end in “2” or “5” for the 5Ghz
starhub is able to see port1 is unlinked to modem