##EDyw devices

https://www.forhims.com/blog/sex-toys-for-ed article is more “medical”.

— My Q&A with Dr Teo was mostly about devices. Therefore I keep this section in this bpost.

Q: After 30m (wearing the ring), I still want to hold longer before ejaculation?
A: remove ring. Use pump if flaccid, then go back in without ring.

— — vacuum pump
— — ED_ring .. extracted to a separate bpost
— — fake vagina .. could help me get over the hump. After that, I will try to penetrate the real vagina.

Q: how many percent of the days would this device help?
%%A: Currently, I think 40~60% of the days [decreasing 🙁 ] I don’t need any device; on most [increasing 🙁 ] of the difficult/needful days this device could be insufficient; perhaps 3~10% [decreasing 🙁 ] of the needful days it would help

Once the penis is inside, it often gets enough stimulation to stay firm. That’s why I won’t take the chance to come out. Once I came out to adjust the radio or something, I sometimes found myself unable to firm up to go back in (Pump is the answer). This is a growing risk as we age.

Q: fake vagina with a hard cover, to be held between her thighs. Not sure if she would find it uncomfortable.
Dr Teo: harmless to try.

— — Lubricant .. relieves some men’s penetration struggles.

Apply on condom? Dr Teo said no need, but with some men this bit of lubrication might be the final push to help the individual get over the hump.  Also, the “oil” on my low-cost condoms are supposedly low quality, and can dry up easily during foreplay.